Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals. Your generous donation will fund our mission. Click the PayPal button below to contribute to this year's campaign.
For nearly 30 years Holiday Outreach has provided children and families in need with support and we are proud of the work that we have done in our community. It would have been impossible to have provided the services we have without the help of our many volunteers and donors. We look forward to many more years of working with the community to make sure that children and families aren't forgotten at the holiday time and during difficult times throughout the year. We have provided more than 8,000 children with toys and gifts over the years and through our work with area food cupboards and soup kitchens, have provided more than 6,000 meals to families in need for
Thanksgiving and the December holiday season.
We are looking forward to many more years of providing the kind of support that we have in our community.
Chris Campbell
Mark Crance
Tom Foster
Kim Jones
We want to thank all of you who have donated to and/or participated in our events this year. We are especially thankful for the continued response we received from our Facebook posts in October and November asking for assistance. The support we received allowed us to provide for so many families in need that we might
not have been able to.
We supplied more than 600 children with gifts this holiday. We also provided meals/food supplies to area food cupboards and soup kitchens to feed several hundred families in need throughout the year. It never ceases to amaze us what a small group of dedicated volunteers can do to help families in need.
The Urlaub family and Rohrbach's for their continued generous support
U-Haul of Western NY for the U-Box
we used to store toys
Van Bortel Ford for the vehicles we used to deliver toys
Christine Fregeau
Elizabeth Li
Rob Murphy and his family
Ted Aroesty - our business guy
The Foster Family
Andy Grantham - our webmaster
The elves that helped fill requests for toys/gifts
The elves that helped shop for toys/gifts
The elves that helped deliver food to First Genesis Baptist Church and St. Peter's Soup Kitchen
The group of social workers and school counselors who worked so hard to get us the family requests for toys/gifts
The December 23rd and 24th delivery crews
There is no way for us to do what we do without the help of all of those that volunteer at all of our events. We look forward to next year and hope that we can provide even more support than we did this year.
We will need your help to do that.
Happy New Year!
Chris, Mark, Kim & Tom
Holiday Outreach
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